Interprovincial transport becomes more expensive as of today

Transport is more expensive as of today. According to the Mozambican Road Transport Federation (FEMATRO), the price per kilometer/passenger has increased from 1.50 meticais to 1.75 meticais.

The new fees resulted from the agreement between the Gover01no and the Mozambican Federation of Road Transport Associations (FEMATRO), which recently submitted a proposal to increase the fare by two meticais per kilometer/passenger.

According to FEMATRO, the new price list posted for the interprovincial and international road transport of the Board, the difference in the increased value varies from 100 to 900 meticais depending on the distance, and Maputo˗Pemba, one of those with the highest increase, the ticket will cost 4,500 against the previous 3,600 meticais.

For Maputo, Xai-Xai, Zavala, Maxixe, Beira, and Nampula, the fares have been increased to 360, 600, 850, 2100, and 3600 meticais, respectively.

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