700 million new users joined Telegram after Whatsapp crash

The instant messaging app Telegram added 70 million new users on Monday. This is a "record increase in registration and user activity" for the service.

"I am proud of how our team has handled the unprecedented growth. Telegram continued to work flawlessly for the vast majority of our users," wrote Telegram's founder and CEO on Tuesday. Despite this, the day was not so perfect.

Due to this avalanche some users experienced slower speeds on the app, notably in the Americas, where millions of users signed up on the same day.

Despite this success of Telegram there were other competitors of its as well as Whatsapp that registered millions of new users, in this case Signal.

This is not the first time that Telegram and Signal have gained at the expense of their main rival, Whatsapp. The two apps added millions of new users earlier this year. This was when WhatsApp was struggling to explain exactly what its new privacy policy entailed.

"The smallest of events helped trigger the biggest of outcomes," said Brian Acton, the CEO of Signal's holding company, about the WhatsApp debacle earlier this year.

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