Review of the National Development Strategy could be ready by May 2022

The government says the national economy has grown considerably, despite the challenges faced in six years of implementing the National Development Strategy (ENDE). Adriano Maleiane also advanced that, by May 2022, the proposed revision of the instrument will be submitted to Parliament for approval.

Adriano Maleiane, quoted by "O País", speaking on the sidelines of the launch of the review process of the ENDE (2015-2035), says that since the instrument was approved in 2015, the country has achieved several successes.

"Everything that was done was framed and continues in this strategy. We had several barriers, most notably the consequences of climate change, yet in 2015, even wrapped up in so many problems, our economy grew by 6.6 percent. In 2016, even with the global economic crisis, we achieved a growth of 3.3 percent. This means that, despite the difficulties, we have not lost our direction, so much so that the Five-Year Government Plan that we are implementing is framed within the policies outlined in this instrument," said Adriano Maleiane.

Regarding the instrument's revision program, which includes consultation with social, economic, and political sectors and the submission of the proposal to Parliament for approval, the Minister of Economy and Finance explains: "consultation begins now, and by May 2022 we will have the document's proposal ready for the Government to submit to Parliament for approval.

Through face-to-face conversations, video conferences, questionnaires on the Ministry of Economy and Finance's website, among other tools, the government will gather the opinions of academics, civil society organizations, the development observatory, and other groups at the national level.

For the Government, the revision of the strategy is to respond to the emergence of new development paradigms, with new forms of work, new technologies and, above all, to involve the productive sectors in decision making.

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