Tag: supply

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Rússia corta gás à Europa

Russia cuts off gas to Europe

Russian state giant Gazprom decided yesterday (31) to cut off gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine, the sector's national regulator confirmed, making an increase in current prices almost certain. According to the French news agency, France-Presse (AFP), GTSOU posted on its website a forecast of zero cubic meters...

Ciclone chido: cidade de Pemba continua com restrições do fornecimento de água

Cyclone chido: Pemba city continues to restrict water supply

Since the passage of Cyclone Chido, the city of Pemba, Cabo Delgado province, continues to have restricted access to the water supply, but efforts are being made to restore it. The service had been interrupted following the destruction, by tropical cyclone chido, of the line that supplies electricity to the water supply systems...

Moçambique formaliza acordo de venda de energia à RAS

Mozambique formalizes agreement to sell energy to RAS

The commercial agreement to supply additional electricity to the Republic of South Africa (RSA) is being finalized, as a way of helping the neighbouring country to minimize the crisis it is facing, according to Noticias According to the publication, a team led by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), Carlos...

Manhiça: Avaria deixa 12 mil clientes da EDM às escuras

Manhiça: Fault leaves 12,000 EDM customers in the dark

The electricity supply to part of the customers in the Manhiça district, in Maputo province, has been interrupted, affecting around 12,000 customers. In a statement, the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) explained that the interruption was due to an anomaly on the Muhalaze-Manhiça line. "As soon as the incident was reported, EDM's technical teams went to the...

Cabo Delgado: Anomalia provoca interrupção de energia elétrica

Cabo Delgado: Anomaly causes power outage

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) said in a statement that early yesterday afternoon, July 15, 2024, it recorded an anomaly in the High Voltage Network in the north of the country (Line C35B), which caused the interruption of the power supply to the province of Cabo Delgado. "In fact, around 166,412 customers...

Maputo, Matola e Boane com restrições de água

Maputo, Matola and Boane with water restrictions

From today (08) to June 3 in the cities of Maputo, Matola and Boane there may be restrictions on water supply, the company Águas da Região Metropolitana de Maputo said in a statement. According to the company, the scenario is due to compliance with the Maintenance Plan for water supply infrastructures...


Mozambique wants to end South Africa's 50-year hydropower pact

Mozambique plans to end half a century of supplying hydroelectric power to South Africa's state-owned electricity company, increasing the risks for the continent's most industrialized economy and threatening the viability of Africa's second largest aluminium smelter. In the country's energy transition strategy, yet to be published, whose...


Mozambique announces resumption of electricity supply to Zambia

Mozambique will once again supply Zambia with energy and the two countries also want to resume cooperation in the agricultural sector. Joint committees from the two countries are finalizing the last details of the documents that will guarantee the resumption of cooperation in the agriculture and energy sectors. In the agricultural sector, the two countries want to...