Tag: inspection

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Pescadores incendeiam posto de fiscalização do INAMAR

Fishermen set fire to INAMAR inspection post

A group of fishermen from the fishing center of Icidua, in the city of Quelimane, Zambezia province, set fire to the inspection post of the National Sea Institute (INAMAR) in Chipaca on Thursday morning. They justify the act as a response to the seizure of fish and fishing nets by the...

Tribunal Administrativo prepara-se para fiscalizar a gestão do Fundo o Soberano

Administrative Court prepares to review the management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund

The Administrative Court (TA) guarantees that it is monitoring all the legislation on the Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM) in order to define how to act within its powers in terms of auditing public accounts. According to the adviser to the Administrative Court, Sousa Massingue, who was speaking on a panel on strengthening the relevant institutions in the management of the FSM, at the...

Governo aprova proposta de revisão da Lei que isenta o BM de fiscalização de contas pelo TA

Government approves proposal to revise law exempting WB from TA audit

The proposed revision of the law approved by the Council of Ministers essentially proposes the withdrawal of the powers of the Administrative Court (TA) to audit the accounts of public companies, including the Bank of Mozambique (BM). It also includes decentralizing the powers of the TA to the administrative courts in the provinces and Maputo City for auditing...

Presidente da República defende mais investimento e fiscalização no sector mineiro

President of the Republic calls for more investment and supervision in the mining sector

This Monday, the President of the Republic defended the need for greater attraction of foreign investment in the Mozambican mining sector, saying that the entry into operation of the Geology Laboratory of the National Mining Institute (INAMI) imposes the need for more supervision of mining activity in the country. According to Filipe Nyusi, who was speaking today...

Matola: INATRO introduz veículo equipado com material informático para reforço de fiscalização

Matola: INATRO introduces vehicle equipped with computer equipment to reinforce surveillance

The Secretary of State for Maputo Province, Judite Mussácula, handed over a vehicle equipped with computer equipment to the provincial delegation of the National Road Transport Institute (INATRO), to reinforce inspection. According to the wishes expressed by the state representative, there should be an expansion of the monitoring and inspection activity...

AT suspende inspecção e fiscalização  ao comércio

AT suspends inspection and monitoring of trade

Inspections, inspections and audits of commercial establishments have been suspended indefinitely, the Tax Authority (AT) announced on Tuesday. The measure follows abnormal cases, such as the duplication of procedures, in some situations, in a short space of time, by two or more teams with the same objective, according to Notícias.....


Mozambique to introduce independent inspection of mineral exports

Later this year, an independent company will begin inspecting the quantities and specifications of minerals exported by operators in the sector in Mozambique. "What used to happen was that a thousand tons of a mineral with a certain specification and price would be declared as leaving a national port, but at the destination they would mysteriously arrive in the...

Contestação ao recenseamento eleitoral resulta de fiscalização intensa – especialista

Voter registration challenges result from intense monitoring - expert

Electoral law specialist Guilherme Mbilana believes that the challenge to the illegalities that occurred in the registration for the Mozambican local elections is due to greater scrutiny by political parties and civil society, because the anomalies "are nothing new". "I think they [the opposition political parties and civil society] have woken up to the interest of...