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IMOPETRO procura novo fornecedor de combustíveis para o país

IMOPETRO seeks new fuel supplier for the country

The Mozambican Oil Importer (IMOPETRO) has launched an international tender to find a new fuel supplier for the country from next April. The quantities planned for import should ensure the availability of gasoline, diesel and JET for a period of six months. An IMOPETRO source quoted by Notícias said that there is...

CIP denuncia a falta de transparência na gestão do Fundo Soberano

CIP denounces the lack of transparency in the management of the Sovereign Wealth Fund

The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO) believes that the management of the Mozambique Sovereign Fund (FSM) is not transparent and that the government's reports lack information. According to a CIP report on the subject, the Sovereign Fund is far from being a transparent institution in the management of...

TotalEnergies/Cabo Delgado: Garantidos quase 80% dos 14 mil milhões de dólares

TotalEnergies/Cabo Delgado: Almost 80% of the 14 billion dollars guaranteed

Almost 80% of the 14 billion dollars needed for the liquefied natural gas megaproject in the province of Cabo Delegado has already been secured. The information was provided by the chairman of TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné, quoted by the international press. Patrick Pouyanné, who is due to visit Maputo later this month, recognizes progress on the ground in...

Especialistas defendem revisão dos contratos de exploração de gás

Experts advocate review of gas exploration contracts

The idea of Mozambique becoming a "major player" in the national energy market is being peddled all over the world, thanks to the "recent discoveries" of natural gas reserves all over the country. It is also said that the deposits, as well as containing large quantities, are also of high quality, capable of producing relatively minor effects...

TotalEnergies aguarda desfecho do ciclo eleitoral para a retoma do projecto de gás em Afungi

TotalEnergies awaits outcome of electoral cycle to resume gas project in Afungi

French oil company TotalEnergies is awaiting the outcome of the current electoral cycle in the country to resume the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project that has been suspended for four years in Afungi, Palma, Cabo Delgado province, due to insecurity. An AIM publication states that the information was shared a few days ago in Nova...

TotalEnergies nega conhecimento de alegadas torturas e assassínios nas instalações em Moçambique

TotalEnergies denies knowledge of alleged torture and murder at facilities in Mozambique

French oil company TotalEnergies TTEF.PA said on Thursday (26) that it was unaware of the torture and murder of civilians that allegedly took place in 2021 at the site of its future LNG plant in Mozambique, in response to a press report. A Reuters publication, quoting the American online newspaper "Político" said in a report published on Thursday that...