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Populares expulsam turistas de Bazaruto em reivindicação à falta de canalização dos fundos de responsabilidade social

People expel tourists from Bazaruto in protest at the lack of channeling of social responsibility funds

The population of the Bazaruto archipelago, which is located along the coast of the Vilankulo and Inhassoro districts, in Inhambane province, southern Mozambique, is demanding funds that tour operators channel to the government through the Bazaruto National Park, the company that manages the archipelago, and which should be given to the residents. According to a...

REVIMO anuncia retoma ao pagamento de portagens em meio às contestações aos da TRAC

REVIMO announces resumption of toll payments amid TRAC protests

Rede Viária de Moçambique (REVIMO) announced this Saturday that it will resume collecting tolls in all the plazas under its management from tomorrow, Monday (27). The suspension of toll collection was due to the post-election demonstrations in 2024, which resulted in acts of vandalism against the infrastructures managed by the company. In a statement,...

Cegid anuncia mais uma aquisição, desta vez é da PHC Business Software

Cegid announces another acquisition, this time of PHC Business Software

French technology company Cegid, a Decentralized Computing Management company specializing in management software for accounting, finance and tax, payroll, human resources and retail professionals, recently announced the acquisition of PHC Business Software, a leading Portuguese company in the management software market for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).....

Avicultores reclamam de prejuízos de 300 milhões de dólares devido a manifestações

Poultry farmers claim losses of 300 million dollars due to demonstrations

Farmers in the poultry sector are claiming losses of 300 million dollars, following the paralysis of their activities in November and December, due to the post-election demonstrations. The figures were revealed by Yacub Latif, vice-president of Agribusiness, Nutrition and Food Industry at the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), quoted by...

UBA lança Maior Programa de Empreendedorismo Juvenil em África

UBA launches Largest Youth Entrepreneurship Program in Africa

The United Bank for Africa, UBA, through the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Africa's leading philanthropic organization, has announced the opening of applications for Africa's largest Entrepreneurship Programme 2025. The opportunity is also open to young Mozambicans who will be able to sign up and take part in the transformative initiative, aimed at fostering job creation,...

Lançamento do Vista Bank em França: Um marco estratégico para impulsionar o crescimento do comércio em África

Launch of Vista Bank in France: A strategic milestone to boost trade growth in Africa

Vista Group, a financial services holding company with a mission to become a world-leading pan-African banking institution, has received approval from the French banking regulator, ACPR, to establish Vista Bank in France. Vista Bank France will be launched in the second half of 2025 and will be Vista Bank's first banking operation...

Disputa judicial congela acordo milionário de sobre venda de mina de carvão de Revuboè

Court dispute freezes million-dollar Revuboè coal mine sale deal

A court case taking place on national territory has led to the freezing of a million-dollar deal in which Indian steelmaker JSW Steel, owned by billionaire Sajjan Jindal, intends to acquire the estate of Australian maganta Ken Talbot, who died 14 years ago. The deal is over the lease of the coal mine in Revuboè (MoR), in the province of...

Governo anuncia a reabertura de quatro estabelecimentos encerrados por irregularidades

Government announces the reopening of four establishments closed for irregularities

The government, through the National Inspectorate of Economic Activities (INAE), has authorized the reopening of four of the 12 commercial establishments that had been closed down in the last six months due to non-compliance with legal regulations relating to health and food safety. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, the establishments have resumed their activities after complying with the...

Airlink retoma voos a Moçambique após o anúncio de suspensão

Airlink resumes flights to Mozambique after suspension announcement

South African airline Airlink announced the resumption of flights to Nampula on Thursday (9), after a temporary suspension motivated by the threat of seizure of its aircraft, following a decision by the Mozambican courts. According to Engineering New, Airlink, which operates flights between Mozambique and South Africa, decided to return to the route...