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ENH e Buzi Hydrocarbonet projectam expandir operações de pesquisas e exploração de gás natural

ENH and Buzi Hydrocarbonet plan to expand natural gas exploration and exploitation operations

Indonesian petrochemical company BUZI Hydrocarbonet, which is currently exploring for hydrocarbons in the Búzi block in Sofala province, central Mozambique, is interested in expanding its natural gas exploration and exploitation operations. In a publication in the newspaper Notícias, Rudêncio Morais, director of Research and Production at Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH, EP), revealed...

CIP denuncia problemas ambientais provocadas pela mineradora chinesa em Nampula

CIP denounces environmental problems caused by Chinese mining company in Nampula

A study by the Center for Public Integrity (CIP) reveals that the implementation of the Chinese company Haiyu Mining, which has been exploiting heavy sands for more than ten years in Angoche, Nampula province, is causing serious environmental problems that are driving communities into poverty. In a VOA publication, CIP points to the destruction of native vegetation, the existence...

Estado gastou 3,7 mil milhões na tentativa de ressuscitar LAM e AdM

State spent 3.7 billion trying to resuscitate LAM and AdM

The attempt to rebuild the companies Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) and Aeroportos de Moçambique (AdM) cost the state coffers 3.7 billion meticais in 2023. Despite the effort to respond to the companies' financial difficulties, the Ministry of Economy and Finance estimates that both will continue to expose the state to fiscal risk,...

Vodacom Moçambique torna-se na primeira empresa de telefonia com certificação ISO

Vodacom Mozambique becomes the first ISO-certified telephone company

Mobile operator Vodacom Mozambique has become the first telecommunications company to obtain ISO 50001 certification for energy management. ISO 50001 is an official, globally-recognized certification awarded to organizations that demonstrate world-class energy management, helping them to reduce consumption by developing a...

Gestora sul-africana deixa LAM após 18 meses de gestão e denúncias

South African manager leaves LAM after 18 months of management and accusations

Fly Modern Ark (FMA), the consultancy hired by the government to recover Mozambique Airlines (LAM), ended its management agreement with the national flag carrier yesterday (Thursday 19). The information was provided to MZNews by an internal source at the airline, signaling the end of an era marked by accusations of...

HCB avança com medidas de gestão da exploração face aos efeitos da seca severa

HCB moves ahead with farm management measures to cope with the effects of the severe drought

The Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Company (HCB), located in the province of Tete, central Mozambique, announced today, Thursday (19), that it is implementing management measures to deal with the effects of the continuing severe drought, influenced by the occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon in southern Africa. In a statement released today and seen by MZNews, the...

Omar Mithá nomeado presidente do conselho consultivo do Fundo Soberano

Omar Mithá appointed chairman of the Sovereign Fund's advisory board

Through the Council of Ministers, the government has appointed Omar Mithá to head the Investment Advisory Board of Mozambique's Sovereign Fund (FS). The appointment was made in a resolution approved this Thursday (12) in Maputo, during the 27th ordinary session of the Council of Ministers. Omar Mithá will lead the body made up of...

Governo aprova compra de 70% do projecto hidroeléctrico de Mphanda Nkuwa pela EDM

Government approves EDM's purchase of 70% from the Mphanda Nkuwa hydroelectric project

The state-owned company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) has acquired 70% of the shareholdings of the shareholders of the current concessionaire of the Mphanda Nkuwa hydroelectric plant, a project being designed and with a projected capacity to produce 1500 MW, on the Zambezi River, in the central province of Tete. The decision was announced by the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Filimão...