The President of the Republic (PR), Filipe Nyusi, asked investors today in Maputo to consider resuming the construction of infrastructure works for the exploration of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in the province of Cabo Delgado. "We consider it pertinent that the possibilities of resuming the developments of onshore construction works for the...
Author: Emidio Massacola (Emidio Massacola)
"Security in Palma is better than before the terrorist attacks," says Nyusi
The security situation in the town of Palma, in Cabo Delgado province, is better than before the terrorist attacks, assured today in Maputo, the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. "The security conditions in Palma, where the Rovuma Basin enterprises are located, are at a much higher level than the situation before...
"Only political will can bring gains for SMEs"
The establishment of partnerships that enable knowledge sharing between large industries and Mozambican Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is one of the main issues for the development of the local business sector. Political will is seen as the great solution to leverage SMEs and develop the country. This vision was defended,...
International Conference on Sovereign Disaster Insurance Launched
The Banking and Insurance Project has launched today, in Maputo, the International Conference on Sovereign Disaster Insurance which, next November, will discuss the feasibility and importance of public and private sectors taking disaster insurance. To this effect, a memorandum was signed between the Banking and Insurance Project - responsible for the initiative, the...
ISO quality certificate for SMEs is only awarded to "mature" companies
The ISO quality certificate, which confers and annotates the quality of services provided by a company, and therefore makes it eligible to win public tenders for major projects, are only awarded to companies that show maturity in the basic management requirements. This position was defended, this Wednesday, in Marracuane, by the CEO &...
Bank of Mozambique releases list of banks with most customer complaints
In the first half of this year, over 400 complaints against the services provided by banking and electronic money institutions operating in Mozambique were filed with the Central Bank, according to a statement published today by the institution and consulted by MZNews. In total, the Bank of Mozambique (BM) received 436 complaints, and most of them are...
MSMEs challenged to invest in training to meet the demand from industries
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME's) in Mozambique should invest in the technical training of their human capital to be better prepared to meet the challenges imposed by the industrial sector. This position was defended by three panelists from institutions that promote and defend the MSME's that participated, on Tuesday, in Marracuene, in the first of four meetings that took place in the...
Mozambique bets on wheat production
Mozambique will take advantage of the ecological potential of Tete and Niassa provinces, in the center and north of the country, respectively, to invest in wheat production, as announced today, the President of the Republic (PR). Filipe Nyusi, who was speaking on the sidelines of the opening of the first symposium on agricultural research in Mozambique, at KaTembe, said that the first steps in the...
Government makes three billion meticais available for agrarian research
The Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM) will benefit from an investment of three billion meticais, in the next two and a half years, for the improvement of infrastructures of vaccine research and seed production fields, with the objective of increasing agricultural production in the country, announced today, in Maputo, the President of the...
PR demonstrates the domestic potential to sell the 'Mozambique' brand in the international market
The President of the Republic (PR), Filipe Nyusi, today in Marracuene, called on Mozambican businessmen to sell the 'Mozambique' brand to the regional and global market as an "economic force". "We must compete through the constant search for higher levels, bringing quality and selling well the brand 'Mozambique' as an economic force in the region and in the...