Tag: Sandton

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Governo sul-africano diz não haver evidência de ataque terrorista

South African government says no evidence of terrorist attack

The Minister of the Presidency in South Africa, Mondli Gungubele, downplayed threats of a terrorist attack scheduled for Sandton, Johannesburg this weekend. "I checked this with my security unit and I will say up front that we are a little bit disturbed. This alarm has been ongoing, but up to this point it is not supported by...

Embaixada americana alerta para possível ataque terrorista este sábado na África do Sul

U.S. Embassy warns of possible terrorist attack this Saturday in South Africa

A terrorist attack targeting areas of high concentrations in South Africa could occur as early as this Saturday, according to a statement released this Wednesday by the United States Embassy, in the country. "The U.S. government has received information that terrorists may be planning to carry out an attack against large concentrations of...