Alleged "Naparamas" die in confrontation with police

Supostos “Naparamas” morrem em confronto com a Polícia

Five men alleged to be "Naparamas" were shot dead by the police yesterday in Angoche, after an alleged confrontation with the police.

According to a report in "O País", which quotes the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, the "Naparamas" wanted to kill government leaders in that part of Nampula province.

They left the district of Larde and went to the administrative post of Aube, in the district of Angoche, armed with azagaias, machetes and other blunt objects. The incident took place at around 8am on Thursday.

The police deployed a contingent that went into the field. There was a confrontation, which led to deaths and injuries. Of the wounded, one is a police officer, according to the publication.

Meanwhile, construction work has begun on the third PRM police station in the Namicopo neighborhood. The initial work consists of demolishing the walls of the old infrastructure that was vandalized during the post-election protests.

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