STAE sends out voting stationary

STAE envia de material estacionário de votação

Stationary voting material such as metal bags, ballot boxes and some booths have already begun to be sent to some locations to relieve congestion in the warehouses in order to receive new materials.

However, sensitive voting material such as ballot papers, minutes and notices for the general elections are still being produced, according to the spokeswoman for the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE).

"We are doing everything we can to ensure that all polling stations have all the material available on time," said Regina Matsinhe.

On the other hand, Regina Matsinhe said that the districts have already received training materials, which will be used in the simulation to train the 200,000 or so candidates for the job. Members of the Polling Station (MMVs).

"The MMVs must materialize with the type of material they will have to use on election day. Training is based on training for all the operations that are going to take place on that date, from training at the polling station, to preparing all the conditions so that voters can exercise their right to vote," she said, quoted by the News.

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