A new injunction was submitted to the Maputo city court on Wednesday (10), this time inspired by the alleged violation of the bilateral agreement involving the plaintiff, Venâncio Mondlane, and the Renamo leadership.
At the beginning of the week, Renamo's political committee met in Maputo city, with a national council scheduled for Sunday (14), according to Mondlane, made up of 120 members.
However, it is the preparations for Sunday's event that have inspired Venâncio Mondlane's return to court, with a new request for an injunction. Firstly, the failure to comply with the statutory deadlines for convening the meeting, which is 15 days.
"It was scheduled last Monday for the following Sunday. Therefore, below the recommended fortnight," says the newspaper "Afternoon Express" .
Meanwhile, Venâncio Mondlane says that for this meeting, "Renamo has been drawing up selective invitations, and we had to intervene to bring the number of members invited up to one quarter, against the initial figure of two thirds". "Renamo has invented the wrong profile for the council," he points out.
The politician also denounces the party for recruiting peasants as former guerrillas and at provincial headquarters, raising the voice of protest against potential candidates for the party leadership, and promoting the exact opposite with regard to Ossufo Momade.
Venâncio also claims not to have been invited to the national council scheduled for Sunday, after which the court can embark.
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