The biometric registration of SIM cards through fingerprint and facial recognition will begin next September. The process will cover all subscribers to communications services and is now in the pilot phase.
The aim is to introduce and assign each subscriber a Unique Telecommunications Number (NUTEL). The measure is expected to help reduce the practice and occurrence of cybercrime.
"This will mean that there is no risk of forgery. Today it was normal to have people using a fake number and then, through that fake number, making scams or cyber attacks." Cited by Radio Mozambiquethe National Director of Communications, Horácio Parquinho.
He explained that NUTEL will aggregate the biometric data and all the other numbers used by a single citizen.
Parquinho was speaking in Maputo on the sidelines of a seminar on digitalization, financial inclusion and the formalization of the economy.
On the occasion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Lourinho Chemane, said that reforms are underway that will lead to digital transformation in the country.
The idea "is to improve the entire cybersecurity environment of the entire digital system, not just the financial area," he said.
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