Protests: William Ruto backs out of signing tax increase bill

Protestos: William Ruto desiste de assinar lei para aumentar impostos

Kenyan President William Ruto backed down on Wednesday from his decision to sign a bill that would increase taxes in the country.

The proposal sparked a wave of discontent, dissatisfaction and protests among Kenyans on Tuesday, leading to the death of more than 20 people and the injury of more than 300.

The bill provided for an increase in tax rates and a wide range of everyday items. But it would also allow Ruto's government to increase revenues to pay off the debt of East Africa's economic center.

William Ruto admitted that the bill had caused "widespread dissatisfaction" and that he had chosen to listen to Kenyans.

Kenyans taking part in the protests argued that the new law would cause economic hardship, at a time when millions of people in the country are struggling to survive.

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