"One book, more knowledge" project wins 12th Millennium bim Banking Olympics in Nampula

Projecto “Um livro, mais conhecimento” vence  a 12ª Edição das Olimpíadas Bancárias Millennium bim em Nampula

The 12th edition of the Millennium bim Banking Olympics, which took place in Nampula, had its final and elected Muatala Secondary School as the winner, standing out for the quality of the presentation and applicability of the "One book, more knowledge" project, an initiative that aims to encourage young people to enjoy reading. The winning school argued that reading allows students to come into contact with new experiences, cultures and realities.

Readers will have access to entrepreneurship and innovation books outside of the school context, using a tchovawhich will function as a mobile library. The school was awarded 100,000 meticais for the implementation of the "One book, more knowledge" project and a kit consisting of a cell phone and teaching materials for each student who took part in the winning project.

Second place went to Muaparra Secondary School, with a project that aims to involve girls in the use of science and technology as a way of improving their performance at school, as well as their positioning and decision-making when choosing careers and combating and preventing premature unions.

Third place went to Nampaco Secondary School with the Ossoma Project - "Learn with ease".

The aim of this project is to encourage study classes to help improve the level of achievement of students who are failing at school, using reinforcement classes onlineusing diversified platforms and many self-support tools to improve student performance.

The Chairman of Millennium bim's Executive Committee, João Martins, said that "By providing different experiences in terms of student development and training, we aim to stimulate greater creative autonomy and a sense of belonging in the construction of self-sufficient projects to promote solutions to everyday problems.".

The secondary schools of Anchilo, Cossore, Maparra, Maratane, Murrapaniua, Mutala, Nampaco, Nampula, Napipine, Namicopo, Teacane - Natikiri, Barragem, 22 de Agosto, 12 de Outubro and Marcelino dos Santos took part in this edition, which was held in Nampula. This included around 60 students who qualified for the final of the Nampula Banking Olympics. The students from the participating schools received a diploma and a kit with school supplies.

The Millennium bim Banking Olympics began in 2010. This project is part of Millennium bim's Social Responsibility Program, "More Mozambique for me", with the aim of promoting the education and training of young Mozambicans through the introduction of banking concepts and personal finance management, which promote their financial inclusion in society.

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