Health workers suspend general strike after promise to pay 13th salary

Profissionais da saúde suspendem greve geral após a promessa do pagamento do 13º salário

The National Association of Nurses of Mozambique (ANEMO) announced yesterday, Wednesday (29), the suspension of the general strike of health professionals, from this Wednesday until February 28th..

The announcement of the suspension comes a day after the government guaranteed the payment of 50% of the 13th salary for civil servants and 100% for pensioners next February.

Speaking at a press conference in Maputo, the president of ANEMO, Raul Piloto, denounced the pay cuts for the professionals who were absent during the strike.

"Although our initial position was to resume activities only after the payments had been settled, we opted, in a gesture of sensitivity and good faith, to re-establish confidence that the government will keep its word," said Piloto, who was also speaking on behalf of the National Civil Service Union (SINAFP).

The source added that he hopes the government will also act in good faith, canceling absences due to physical absence and avoiding possible harassment, actions that compromise the good working environment. "We are committed to reporting cases of this kind and we are waiting for an appropriate response from the government," she said.

The union members are asking the government to be more open to dialogue and to ensure that no colleague's salary is deducted as a result of the strike, since this was one of the reasons for the stoppage, and they hope for a positive outcome to this situation.

Quoted by AIMThe source warned that in the event of non-compliance, they will resume the strike. "Our aim has never been to strike, but at some point we see it as a mechanism to demand that our rights are observed," he said.

The national indefinite stoppage of activities by state agents and employees, which began on January 20 and was suspended yesterday (29), was called by the National Nurses' Association of Mozambique (ANEMO), the Association of United and Solidarity Health Professionals of Mozambique (APSUSM), the Association of United Teachers (APU) and the National Civil Service Union (SINAFP).


(Photo DR)

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