Rice production may reach 239 thousand tons in the current agricultural season

Mozambique can achieve food self-sufficiency in rice if it maintains the levels of production growth recorded in recent years. For the current campaign 2021-2022, the production of the cereal is expected to reach about 239,000 tons, corresponding to an increase in the order of 15%, compared to the previous campaign.

These data were revealed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Celso Correia, when he spoke this Monday, in Gaza, at the official ceremony that marked the formal beginning of the harvest of this cereal for the current season.

On the occasion, Correia recalled that the result of 207,821 tons of rice in the last agrarian campaign, represented, at the time, a growth in the order of 19% compared to the previous season (2020) which was 175,322 tons.

"We are marking the beginning of the 2021-2022 rice harvest and our projection is that we can reach a production of about 239,000 tons, which means a growth by 15%. Last year, we reached 19%," said the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, as quoted by Notícias newspaper.

In the same vein, Correia added that the sector wanted to mark the opening of the season by pointing out the use of technology that allows efficiency in harvesting and less loss, in addition to covering the largest possible field and reducing human effort in rice harvesting.

According to the leader, last year's growth and this year's projection, if realized, are in line with the demand for self-sufficiency in rice. "If the country continues with the growth levels of 15% per year, by 2030, Mozambique will be self-sufficient in rice production," he stressed.

The governor acknowledged that, at this moment, the country's ambition is great because it is the only one in the region that has the conditions to produce not only for domestic consumption, but also for export.

For Correia, this is the path that is being followed and with persistence and care to optimize the resources that are not infinite.

He noted, however, that notwithstanding these positive results, in the 2020-2021 marketing year, due to increased consumption, cereal imports cost the country about $600 million and rice contributed 50%, equivalent to $300 million.

Currently, Mozambique consumes about 500,000 tons of rice per year, of which 60% comes from imports.

Correia assured that the Executive will continue to do what is necessary so that measures to adapt to external events can be taken by the productive class so that the devastating effects of the crisis caused by climate change, including food insecurity, can be less and less, given the country's geographical vulnerability.

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