People with stones confront police with bullets and tear gas

Populares com pedras confrontam polícias com balas e gás lacrimogénio

This morning in the city of Nampula, locals fought back with stone-throwing and tear gas from the Mozambique Republic Police (PRM).

The situation occurred during a march led by the presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, which brought together members and supporters in Praça da Liberdade, the city's largest square.

The police fired in the center of the square to disperse the crowd of hundreds of people. It is known that one man was hit and suffered serious injuries. An unknown number of others have also been injured as a result of the riots.

Some people sought shelter in the alleyways nearby. The police followed the demonstrators who, at one point, decided to throw stones at officers in a Mahindra-type car. The police fired at the demonstrators and retreated. There appear to have been no casualties.

Despite these incidents, the presidential candidate continued his march through the city. He remains in the center of the square and continues to fire.

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