People block EN1 due to 'false promises' of electricity from the national grid

População bloqueia EN1 por ‘falsas promessas’ de beneficiar de energia eléctrica da rede nacional

The population of the village of Incaia, in the town of Macia, blocked National Road number 1, in protest against the false promises made by the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) to connect power to that point.

The population has been asking for energy for a long time, but all they get are false promises.

A meeting with EDM was scheduled for this morning, but once again it was a false promise.

The EDM staff didn't show up and the population blocked the road. Macia is 150 kilometers from Maputo.

At the moment, no one enters Maputo and no one leaves. (Text: Mozambique Channel)

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