The Policia da Republica de Moçambique PRM says that it is using legitimate means to contain the protests, but knows that in the midst of all this, unforeseen situations occur that culminate in injuries.
He also said that the shots fired in KaTembe Nsimi, Matutuine district, Maputo province, were to prevent the illegal occupation of land.
"Sometimes the demonstrators or those proposing to demonstrate create situations of vandalism and we have legitimate means of preventing this," said Leonel Muchina, spokesman for the General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, during a press conference held on Tuesday.
"We also have means of dispersing the masses. These are legitimate means, such as tear gas, and in these circumstances there may be some injuries, but these are involuntary circumstances," he continued.
He also said that on several occasions it was the police who came to the aid of the demonstrators and took them to health facilities for assistance, and not only that, but he guaranteed that they had also provided assistance to the victims.
"We have a specific health department. This department is specialized in monitoring both members who are injured in circumstances like these and those who, due to some incident, end up being victims of a situation that has to do with the dispersal of masses, which is, of course, involuntary. The police are not here to take action against their citizens.
The police are there to protect and they will realize that these are involuntary situations that occur. It's in our interest to ensure that these people have their physical integrity intact," explained the spokesperson for the PRM General Command.
However, it revealed a new attitude on the part of the police in dealing with protest issues.
"We've been increasingly improving the prevention component of this road obstruction issue and we're opting more for raising awareness of this community that sets out to make it impossible for people to travel normally."
He deplored the destruction of police stations and posts in the context of the protests and praised the rebuilding by the population.
"In the context of the violent demonstrations, which culminated in the destruction of some police stations and posts, the PRM welcomes the commitment of the communities in various parts of the country who have proposed and are materializing the rehabilitation and construction of these infrastructures, which are proving to be extremely important and essential for guaranteeing public order and security," Muchina said.
In terms of traffic accidents, the PRM says that in the last seven days, there have been 15 traffic accidents, resulting in the death of 28 people, 29 serious injuries and 33 minor injuries.
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