The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), Beatriz Buchili, said today in Maputo that international drug trafficking organizations have Portuguese-speaking countries on their cocaine distribution maps, and advocates a collective fight.
"The report by the United Nations Global Office on Drugs and Crime states that criminal organizations are placing certain Portuguese-speaking countries on their cocaine distribution transport routes, as emerging consumer markets," he said.
She noted that in Mozambique, the crime of drug trafficking is one of the sources of funding for terrorism, which can also affect other Portuguese-speaking countries.
"In the case of Mozambique, for example, experience shows that the phenomenon represents one of the sources of terrorist financing, and other CPLP [Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries] countries are not immune," he warned.
She advocates a joint approach between the Portuguese-speaking nations through the entities responsible for combating this type of crime.
"This reality represents an evolving global threat and its transnational nature requires a collective approach, not only within the United Nations but also in the CPLP countries and above all at the level of public prosecutors and criminal investigation police in the performance of their powers of investigation, instruction and prosecution," he said.
Beatriz Buchili was speaking at the Meeting of Prosecutors General, Police Directors and Criminal Investigation Services of the CPLP, which is being held until tomorrow under the theme "Strengthening the Judiciary in the Fight Against Drugs".
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