Assembly of the Republic deputy Elias Dhlakama, brother of former Renamo president Afonso Dhlakama, believes that the party was deceived by the government under the terms of the agreements for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration.ção (DDR).
"It was done badly and in a hurry. Renamo was fooled, because we were in a hurry to benefit from the perks, and we forgot to negotiate better," he said in an interview with the newspaper Savannah.
He finds it inconceivable that the party's men-of-war receive minimal pensions, between 1,000 and 5,000 meticais, and have received few and small building materials for their homes.
Elis Dhlakama says it's strange how the ceremony for the closure of Renamo's last base took place, because, as a rule, wars end at the negotiating table.
"... but I've never seen in the history of warfare in the world that the president of a guerrilla group hands over his last weapon to his adversary. That was a sign of surrender. So Frelimo will play with us as it likes," he said.
In his view, the current President of Renamo, Ossufo Momade, after taking office in 2019, treated the DDR alone, and distanced himself from everything that had already been negotiated by Afonso Dhlakama.
"He went it alone. He distanced himself from what was being negotiated and negotiated other things. General Thimosse Maquinze had the whole dossier, but Ossufo preferred to handle everything on his own.... I don't know if he betrayed the soul of Afonso Dhlakama or Renamo," he said.
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