Ossufo Momade at risk of losing state benefits. Venâncio and Chapo dispute results

Ossufo Momade em risco de perder regalias do Estado. Venâncio e Chapo disputam resultados

After the closing of the voting process and the consequent start of the vote count, the first figures pointed to a race considered close between Frelimo's presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo, and PODEMOS' Venâncio Mondlane.

According to a media FaxIn many polling stations, especially in the provinces of Nampula, Zambézia, Cabo Delgado, Sofala, and Maputo city, there was a very slight advantage for Venâncio Mondlane in some polling stations and for Daniel Chapo in others.

"Even in Niassa, Tete and Inhambane, at least in the cement areas, the PODEMOS presidential candidate showed some strength to compete with the Frelimo candidate, despite the latter's considerable advantage," says the same publication.

This reality, as can be seen from the figures from the partial count of the results, puts Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, at risk of losing, through his own fault and that of his party, his status as leader of the opposition. The trend of competition continued when it came to analyzing the voting performance of the PODEMOS and Frelimo parties.

In the urban centers, Renamo and the Democratic Movement of Mozambique were far below the competition between Frelimo and PODEMOS. In cases where Chapo and Venâncio were contesting 600 votes, with around 300 for each, you could see Ossufo Momade with 10 and Lutero also with only 10 votes. Therefore, Lutero and Ossufo will have to compete for the third and fourth most-voted presidential candidate positions, a logic that is believed, with slight differences, not to be too far off in areas outside the city.


(Photo DR)

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