WTO: Mozambique defends measures to deal with e-commerce

OMC: Moçambique defende medidas para lidar com comércio electrónico

Mozambique advocates measures by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to deal with e-commerce, digitalization, and industrialization.

According to the Minister of Industry and Trade, Silvino Moreno, who was speaking at the XII Ministerial Conference of the WTO, through a video, said that, an electronic commerce control can contribute to improve the quality of the balance of trade.

Moreno also says that the country has developed its multilateral economic cooperation agenda always aligned with the priorities of inclusive and sustainable development, privileging Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

He said that Mozambique, like other countries, still faces limited financial resources to facilitate economic recovery and a huge lack of infrastructure, technologies, competitive assets, and capabilities to bridge the gap.

He also explained that agriculture, through the integrated approach to industrialization, is the basis of livelihood and income, not only for Mozambique, but for many of the less developed countries that produce the cotton value chain.

The XII Ministerial Conference is taking place since Sunday in Geneva, Switzerland, and brings together more than 160 senior officials from the sector among other officials.


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