Rehabilitation work on the road linking Mozambique to Eswatini delayed for more than three months

Obras de reabilitação da estrada que liga Moçambique a Eswatini atrasadas há mais de três meses

Maintenance work on National Road Number 2 (N2), which connects Mozambique to the Kingdom of Eswatini, has been delayed due to the stoppage of activities in the context of the post-election demonstrations..

According to the provincial delegate of the National Roads Administration (ANE), Dade Novelo, "the work, which should have been completed in November, will only be finished next May, in the light of an addendum contract with the contractor".

The periodic maintenance work on the N2, on the Boane-Namaacha stretch, includes, among other things, the reconstruction of the road at critical points.


(Photo DR)

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