Nyusi visits survivor of attack that killed Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

Nyusi visita sobrevivente do ataque que vitimou Elvino Dias e Paulo Guambe

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, visited Andasse Macuácua, the woman who survived the attack that culminated in the double murder of lawyer Elvino Dias and PODEMOS representative Paulo Guambe on Saturday in Maputo city, at the Maputo Central Hospital (HCM)..

According to the newspaper Notícias, Nyusi wished the victim a speedy recovery and visited other patients in the orthopedic ward.

Maputo's Central Hospital expressed satisfaction with the evolution of the clinical condition of the woman hit by the car driven by Elvino Dias, on the night of the barbaric murder of the lawyer and Paulo Guambe, filmmaker and PODEMOS representative. The Director of Emergency Services at Maputo Central Hospital said that the victim could be discharged at any moment.


(Photo DR)

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