Nyusi begins exonerations in the government. Correia, Talapa, Macamo and others

Nyusi inicia exonerações no Governo. Correia, Talapa, Macamo e outros

The outgoing President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today exonerated figures from his current government by presidential order, according to a communiqué to which we have had access.

In separate presidential orders, Nyusi dismissed Verónica Nataniel Macamo Ndlovo from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Margarida Adamugi Talapa from the post of Minister of Labor and Social Security, Nyeleti Brooke Mondlane from the post of Minister of Gender, Children and Social Action, Celso Ismael Correia from the post of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ana Comoana, from the post of Minister of State Administration and Civil Service, Francisco Ussene Mucanheia, from the post of Advisor to the President of the Republic, Lina Maria da Silva Portugal, from the post of Secretary of State in Niassa Province and Pedro Comissário Afonso, from the post of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York.

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