Nyusi criticizes international community for making insinuations about murders of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe

Nyusi critica comunidade internacional por fazer insinuações sobre assassinatos de Elvino Dias e Paulo Guambe

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said on Monday (28) that he was "harsh" towards the international community which associates the barbaric murders of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe with the Frelimo party. According to Nyusi, these accusations limit the right thing to do, which is to wait for the investigations..

"If they already have conclusions about the murder of Elvino Dias and Paulo Guambe, let them give us the data to hold the criminals responsible as the state," said Filipe Nyusi, in a publication in the newspaper "O País".

The head of state once again referred to the government's position on the murder of Elvino Dias, a lawyer for the presidential candidate supported by PODEMOS, and Paulo Guambe, a member of the same party. Nyusi praised the gesture of solidarity from the international community, which unanimously condemned the murders.

"All the pronouncements by diplomatic missions were unanimous in their condemnation of the murders, associating them with the current political process, however, without accusing between the lines, they hinted that the incidents might have some links with the victors, with the exception of the Commonwealth, which made a succinct statement based on available facts and without any insinuations," he criticized.

The president went even further and asked the international community to provide proof "that the crime was committed by the Frelimo party, as they suggest".

"You can't make insinuations. That limits reasoning. One of the ambassadors even had the courage to issue a communication on behalf of his country associating the murder with the theft of votes by Frelimo. How do you know that? If there is a conclusion, perhaps it's to bring this information to us so that we as a state can be held responsible for these acts. The right thing to do is to let the investigations continue with all the versions and clues that may be available," he appealed.

The president says that the investigations are being carried out because it is in the interests of the state and the government that there be accountability.

"We are investigating in order to bring the perpetrators to justice and punish them in an exemplary manner, with a view to discouraging acts of this nature. Given the electoral history, it should be noted that an act of this scale has never happened before. The government's position is that instead of assuming that they were murdered or that there is a link between these crimes and the electoral process, the most important thing is to find the murderer, no matter what his motives were, and this is the only solution that allows there to be no speculation."


(Photo DR)

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