New Democracy calls for a freedom march in June

Nova Democracia convoca marcha da liberdade para Junho

The New Democracy party, which has no parliamentary representation, has scheduled a freedom march for June 24.

According to the party, the protest is aimed at challenging police reprimands and demanding that citizens' constitutional rights be respected.

According to the party's president, Salomão Muchanga, the march will take place in the city of Maputo to demand respect for Mozambican citizens' right to demonstrate.

"We are a people who are building democracy and democracy is fundamentally the institutionalization of the fundamental freedoms of citizens, therefore, the repression of demonstrations is not only condemnable with contempt and vehemence, but will also have to be met with indignation from its citizens," said Salomão Muchanga, quoted by RFI.

The leader also added that he hopes to see a more republican attitude from the police on the day of the march. "The police we expect are not colonial, because we have to remember that this country, Mozambicans, took up arms to combat attitudes that were harmful to their people, including repression, the lash, the whip, which today tends to multiply or be revised in our country."

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