Norway reiterates support for child victims of terrorism in Cabo Delgado

Noruega reitera apoio às crianças vítimas de terrorismo em Cabo Delgado

The Norwegian government has expressed its interest in joining forces with Mozambique to support child victims of the armed conflict in Cabo Delgado.

The commitment was reaffirmed on Monday (03), during a meeting between the Norwegian Ambassador in Maputo, Haakon Gram-Johannessen, and the Minister of Labor, Gender and Social Action, Ivete Alane.

In addition to child protection, Norway has also shown its willingness to collaborate in promoting and defending women's rights.

"This initiative will involve several Mozambican ministries that work in the area of child protection," said Haakon Gram-Johannessen, quoted by the Radio Mozambique.

On the occasion, Minister Ivete Alane highlighted the historic ties of friendship and cooperation between Mozambique and Norway, reaffirming the Mozambican government's commitment to combating violence against women and children.

In recent years, Norway has supported Mozambique by funding projects that promote the participation of women and girls in peace-building and security, in line with UN Resolution 1325.


(Photo DR)

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