At CTA we don't want a President who brings us problems - Fernando Couto

Na CTA não queremos um Presidente que nos traga problemas – Fernando Couto

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) is due to elect its next president in May, and there is no intention that any of them will lead the house into trouble.

"We're looking for a leadership that shouldn't be a problem for the CTA. The egos of those who want to emerge must not spoil the ideals of the organization," said businessman and founding member Fernando Couto.

Quoted by NewsCouto outlined the ideal profile of Agostinho Vuma's possible replacement at the top of the CTA: capable of looking after the organization's interests, suitable, with entrepreneurial skills, the ability to respond to changes in the business sector, and the ability to respond to national and international economic challenges.

"The person elected must continue along the path we've been following, always putting entrepreneurs and the association at the forefront, prioritizing dialogue with the various stakeholders," he continued.

Couto's expectation is that the next leader will be at the center of resolving the challenges faced by Mozambican entrepreneurs, "from the financial, administrative system, collection of taxes and fees, etc., with a view to improving the business environment".

According to Notícias, Lineu Candeeiro, from the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs, and Álvaro Massingue, from the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce, are running for the post.

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