Women in the northern region create mechanisms for their inclusion in peace promotion

Mulheres da região norte criam mecanismos para a sua inclusão na promoção da paz

This Tuesday (18), the Institute for Multiparty Democracy (IMD) held a regional training session in the city of Nampula, aimed at promoting the effective participation of women in the process of promoting peace and national reconciliation..

Speaking at the opening of the training, IMD's Gender Advisor, Elisa Muianga, explained that the initiative is part of the "Women and Peace Movement", where the aim is to provide women with solid knowledge so that they can participate in their communities in the prevention and mitigation of conflicts.

"We know that women have this ability to defuse conflicts even from home. They have this prerogative of being able to work with people from their communities, in order to promote more dialogue and avoid conflicts, so it is from this perspective that we intend to train these women in order to provide them with tools on how to intervene at community level using existing platforms," said Elisa Muianga.

Quoted by the portal IkweliThe source said that the training is taking place at a time when the country is living in a climate of instability caused by the post-election crisis. For this reason, "women need more space to make their contribution, in order to promote a culture of dialog in a participatory way".


(Photo DR)

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