"Mozambique is making significant strides in protecting marine ecosystems"

The director of the Global Environment Facility in Mozambique (WWF), Rodrigues Fernandes, praised the steps taken by the country regarding the protection, conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems.

The official considers that the country has made significant steps towards the protection, conservation, and restoration of marine ecosystems in recent years, yet expects to see other important advances soon, such as the national strategy and action plan for coral reef management; shark and ray management and conservation; blue economy strategy; regulations as well as specific policies to reduce plastic waste at sea.

Speaking last week in Maputo, at the opening of the IV National Meeting between the Government and the civil society on oceans, Fernandes gave as an example of Mozambique's commitment in this cause, the approval of the Mangal Management Strategy, Maritime Fisheries, Maritime Spatial Planning Plan or the Mozambique Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), among other actions.

Given these advances, Rodrigues Fernandes also urges civil society to support and monitor the policies adopted by the government to restore marine ecosystems.

"Civil society must play a key role in this process, both in supporting the government to implement the national agenda for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, and in continuously lobbying to ensure its inclusive and effective participation, in public policy making," Fernandes said.

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