Mozambicans are impatient and say the government is eating money on its own

Moçambicanos são impacientes e dizem que o Governo está a comer dinheiro sozinho

The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, said on Wednesday that Mozambican citizens are impatient with the expectation of benefiting from natural resources and for this reason they feel that "the government is eating alone".

"Almost all of us suffer from what I call a high rate of impatience.... and start saying that the government is eating itself," he said, noting that this attitude occurs even when research is still underway.

In Maleiane's view, there is no reason to think so, because the natural resources have existed for a long time and there was no knowledge of their existence.

He was speaking at the launch of António Niquice's book, The Extractive Industry in Africa, Blessing or Curse. On that occasion, the former President of the Republic, Joaquim Chissano, defended the training of human resources to make better use of natural resources.

"...and those who have sought knowledge still don't know enough to be able to manage and transform our resources," he said. (Source: STV)

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