Mining company Dingsheng Minerals has canceled the export of more than 60,000 tons of heavy sands mined at its Chibuto mines in Gaza province due to freight costs. Until May this year, the company exported more than six thousand tons.
"Now we are dependent on a dock that we intend to build and as soon as it is ready it will support all the products," said Paulo, a representative of the company, quoted today by Mozambique Television.
For the Secretary of State of the province, the installation of a dock will be able to make all the processes for ore exportation more flexible.
"The state has every interest in making the dock construction happen as soon as possible," said Amosse Macamo, predicting that with the infrastructure, the cost of disposal will reduce "and justify all the investment that is being made.
Currently two Dingsheng production units are in operation out of the 10 that are planned to be installed.
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