Bad weather leaves more than three thousand families without electricity in Zambezia

Mau tempo deixa mais de três mil famílias sem electricidade na Zambézia

Around 3,150 families in the town of Madal, Quelimane district, Zambezia province, central Mozambique, are without electricity due to the collapse of medium-voltage poles and a distribution transformer in the transmission network, caused by rain and strong winds.

"The villages of Naminane and Mucocorra, as well as the Inhangome neighbourhood, are without electricity as a result of the fall of a distribution transformer and eight medium-voltage poles, due to bad weather, characterized by rain and strong winds," said a statement issued by Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM).

In a statement released today, the state-owned electricity company explains that "at the moment, the access routes are interrupted, making it difficult to restore the electricity supply to the affected customers".


(Photo DR)

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