The biggest beneficiaries of the terms of reference of the "Political Commitment for an Inclusive Dialogue" are the Frelimo party and Daniel Chapo, the President of the Republic (PR) and the political formation, according to the mayor of Quelimane, in Zambézia, Manuel de Araújo.
The document was signed yesterday in Maputo by the PR and ten political parties. And, in D'Araújo's view, Frelimo and Chapo were victorious in this, since it stifles all the demands of the political formations regarding the course of the general elections on October 9, 2024.
He understands that by signing the documents, the political parties are taking on all the problems of those elections, but they recognize that Daniel Chapo is the President of the Republic.
The terms of reference will serve, according to the mayor, to add more voices to the debate, without, however, "ceasing to have its undemocratic character", as in the era of bipartisanship between Frelimo and Renamo.
"The number of actors has increased, but the principle of transparency is not there, very well accommodated," he said, as well as noting that, apparently, the leaders of the signatory political parties did not carry the legitimacy of their groups to assassinate the document.
"It would have been better if the negotiators had gone back to the source that mandated them, for an assessment that would have given the document more legitimacy," he said in an interview with Miramar yesterday.
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