Demonstrations: Venâncio Mondlane imposes conditions for talks with Frelimo

Manifestações: Venâncio Mondlane impõe condições para dialogar com a Frelimo

Venâncio Mondlane, leader of the nationwide demonstrations, says that there are historical mistakes that have been made in this country and that they must be corrected.

Mondlane, who was speaking in another live broadcast this afternoon, says that Frelimo must present true data to prove its victory. "Dom Carlos Matsinhe himself recognizes that he announced results based on false data, full of irregularities, but he says he didn't have time to correct them," said Mondlane.

Among several conditions imposed for the dialogue table, Mondlane also defended the de-partisanship of the state. "The state doesn't belong to a party or a group, the state is meant to serve the people," said Mondane.

The presidential candidate also wants to see the problem of young people resolved in terms of employment and access to employment. "We still have to establish 500 to 600 million dollars in this five-year period to finance youth project initiatives, and this is what has to be the main focus of the negotiations at the dialogue table," he said.

Mondlane stressed that he is not fighting for money. "I have sacrificed everything in my life to be in the condition I am in," said Mondlane, who also defended the construction of a government of national unity.

He invited the opposition to come together on a single front with the same ideas and fight for "these people". "Let's come together on a single line, let's show that we're not dependent on money, let's show that we're not corrupted," he stressed.

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