Maleiane calls for involvement of affected people in rebuilding their infrastructure

The Prime Minister argues that those affected by the bad weather in the country should be at the forefront in rebuilding their destroyed infrastructure.

Adriano Maleiane said that one should always bet for sustainable solutions and the government's capacity, and the state should not make impossible promises of reconstruction for the communities.

The Prime Minister said that one should not have the perception that the state has a specific channel to deal with emergency issues, rather, the involvement of those affected themselves is crucial for the normal return to life and they should only be supported.

According to the Prime Minister, the government cannot make impossible promises, under penalty of creating expectations that, when not solved, due to lack of means, turn into a problem.

Adriano Maleiane was speaking on Tuesday, while addressing the meeting of the Emergency Operating Committee of Nampula.

The Prime Minister has directed INGD and the government authorities in Nampula to urgently seek solutions so that essential services such as education, health, energy and the reopening of communication routes are back in operation.

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