More than 150,000 people and nine countries have benefited from the Mozambican e-visa

Mais de 150 mil pessoas e nove países beneficiaram do Visto Electrónico moçambicano

By the first quarter of 2024, more than 150,000 citizens and nine countries had taken advantage of the Electronic VisaóThe national e-VISA system for tourism and business since its implementation in December 2022.

Indeed, the NewsForeign investment grew by 30%, reaching more than 16.7 million US dollars.

India, Pakistan and Brazil are the main countries that have benefited from the facilities brought by e-VISA.

The Electronic Visa is the 13th measure in the Economic Acceleration Package (PAE). It establishes visa exemptions for 29 countries, including Portugal, China and the United States of America, and allows investors to stay for a longer period while projecting the 'Mozambique' brand as a tourist destination.

Considering the tourism movement indicators, the aim is to expand the number of countries covered by the measure in order to target new segments, improve the quality of the destination and create mobility facilities for tourists and businesspeople.

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