Around 2,500 people have illegally occupied an area of land set aside for the construction of the parliamentary condominium citadel project, in the municipal district of Katembe, in the city of Maputo, according to the spokesman for the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, Leonel Muchina.
The project is expected to occupy an area of 35 hectares in the town of Mugazine, housing the future seat of parliament and around 300 residences for Parliament officials.
The spaces for the parliamentarians have already been marked out, and even the beneficiaries have made a contribution of 5,260 meticais per 335 employees to carry out preliminary work.
"We had around 2,500 citizens from Greater Maputo, who set out to go to this place we mentioned and actually occupied it, building huts and stalls, but it's a space that comes in a restricted form for the construction of this citadel I mentioned," said Muchina, quoted by the "O País" portal.
Speaking at a press briefing, Muchina condemned the holding of outlaw protests, which impede the normal course of public and private life, leading to the use of force by the police.
"There are social services at stake, people can't access hospitals, precisely because some people believe that their rights are more valuable than others and in these circumstances there is sometimes a need to disperse the masses in order to provide access to the road," he explained.
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