Judges will challenge the law that approves the TSU

Juízes vão contestar a lei que aprova a TSU

The Mozambican Judges Association will hold, Monday, an extraordinary general assembly to contest the law that approves the Single Salary Table (TSU) and its complementary diplomas.

It was through an official document, signed by the president of the association, Carlos Mondlane, on November 3, that the judges showed their indignation, as they feel that their rights to a decent remuneration are being deteriorated and, therefore, decided to meet to reflect on the subject that they describe as being a "legislative body that, at the outset, appears to be unconstitutional and illegal.

According to the document, the approval of the TSU and the successive complementary decrees "seriously affected the remuneration status of Mozambican judges, since they not only removed from the judges of various categories the status of holders and members of the sovereign body (court), but, in general, negatively affected a set of rights previously won by the professional class thanks to its particular condition.

The document also says that the "deterioration of the judge's professional status" violates the Constitution of the Republic and other international legal instruments of which Mozambique is a signatory, because the independence of the judiciary should be guaranteed by the State and it is everyone's duty to respect this, which is not happening.

"It is, in this sense, essential that judges, individually and collectively, honor, respect and intransigently defend the independence of the judiciary, not allowing, among others, their status to be eroded," reads the document signed by Carlos Mondlane.

This is not the first time the class has challenged the TSU. The first time was in September 2021. Last July, the document also did not satisfy the wishes of the class.

It should be recalled that doctors have already called a strike starting Monday and teachers have also publicly expressed their indignation. (The Country)

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