Electoral irregularities undermine credibility of general elections, warns Sala da Paz

Irregularidades eleitorais comprometem credibilidade das eleições gerias, alerta Sala da Paz

The joint platform for electoral observation, Sala da Paz, warned on Thursday (10) that the electoral illicit acts registered during the general elections could compromise the credibility of the electoral results.

On Wednesday (09), Mozambique held the 7th general elections to choose the next President of the Republic, deputies to the Assembly of the Republic, provincial deputies and provincial governors. In almost all the polling stations there were electoral illegalities such as ballot box stuffing, duplication and attempted duplication of votes, filling in ballot papers in favor of political parties, counting votes by the light of improvised lanterns, refusal to sign minutes and notices, as well as the fact that voting did not take place in several polling stations.

"The Peace Room considers that the counting and tabulation of votes at the polling stations took place in a peaceful and orderly manner. However, there were also significant cases of electoral illicit acts and irregularities that could raise questions about the credibility of the process," said Teresa Xavier, representative of the Peace Room.

She also said that in these elections there have been repeated phenomena that discredit the elections, such as the systematic power cuts at the time of the vote count, the lack of lanterns and boards and the use of the police force supposedly to reinforce security in some polling stations.

But even so, he urged the electoral contenders to accept the results that will be announced as the expression of the will of the people.

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