Flooding affects over 1600 families and 4000 hectares of crops in Maputo province

A total of 1,627 families were affected by floods and about 4,000 hectares of various crops were submerged following the overflow of the Incomati River in Maputo province.

These floods are caused by the discharges made in a dam in South Africa, a neighboring country of Mozambique, since the 15th.

"This rising water has created a flood situation in about 4,074 hectares of crops" in at least four administrative posts in Manhiça district, said César Dindane, director of Manhiça's planning and infrastructure services, quoted Wednesday by private channel Stv.

"[The situation is] really worrying because this is being repective. Last year we had a situation where we lost hectares of sugarcane," said César Dindane.

According to the official, there are also some roads with conditioned access due to flooding, but in the meantime, "there has been no need to move communities yet."

"We are on alert because at any time we could have more water quantity," he mentioned, adding that a survey of the affected areas is being carried out and the population is being sensitized to withdraw from low-lying areas.

Official figures indicate that a total of 96 people died due to cyclones and other natural disasters in the country during the last rainy season.

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