Traffic offenses are now detected by autonomous radars on Mozambican roads

Infracções de trânsito passam a ser detectadas por radares autónomos nas estradas moçambicanas

Traffic violations on Mozambican roads will now be controlled by autonomous radars for detecting and reporting violations, including speeding.

The deadline for introducing the system, according to Notícias, is the first quarter of next year, through a project financed by South Korea and implemented by the KOIKA Agency.

The aim is to comprehensively reduce the occurrence of traffic offenses and accidents and to guarantee a more flexible post-accident response. The measure also aims to encourage the use of safer vehicles.

From January to June this year, writes the newspaper, the country reported 387 deaths resulting from road accidents, corresponding to a reduction of 11% compared to the same period last year, when 434 people lost their lives.

An integrated accident data management system developed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in coordination with the National Road Transport Institute, the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, the Institute of Medical Emergencies and the National Road Administration is expected to be adopted from September.

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