Impacts of the shutdowns on the economy won't be long in coming, warns CTA

Impactos das paralisações na economia não vão tardar, avisa CTA

The private sector said today in Maputo that the national economy has lost incalculable sums of money due to the paralysis of economic activities throughout the country, and that the effects will soon be felt.

"At the moment we can't assess the financial losses," said Eduardo Sengo, Executive Director of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique - CTA, but noted that the private sector contributes around 70% to the Gross Domestic Product.

The business union lamented the fact that some institutions were operating at half capacity and others hadn't even dared to carry out their activities for fear of being vandalized.

"Companies are running on half-gas, private schools are closed, restaurants are closed, the Beluluane park, which is the largest industrial center in the country, is also operating at less than 50%, offices in general have a lot of absences," he said.

He noted that the transport sector had been affected, leading "businessmen" to reschedule their flight schedules.

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