The government is making an effort to pay civil servants' overtime within the planned period, but it also intends to eliminate class debts as much as possible in the first hundred days of government.
For example, teachers' overtime must be paid within 30 days of the work being done. This is one of the executive's measures to curb the accumulation of debt, payment difficulties and embarrassment for employees.
"All overtime in a given month must be paid immediately, to avoid this accumulation, and we take care of this residual until it is actually paid. This also happens with suppliers, who 'are a group that has been distressed because they have not been receiving payments on a regular basis," said government spokesman Inocêncio Impissa.
The Minister for State Administration and the Civil Service assured that the government is already committed to its promises.
"Overtime over the next hundred days must be minimized as much as possible to ensure that the teachers' environment is better guaranteed so that they can carry out their activities properly. We would like to take this opportunity to appeal to teachers to consider accessing classes and giving lessons to their pupils in order to avoid delays," he said, calling for continued dialogue with the teaching profession.
"It's not through pressure that the government is going to act. We need a cool head to think, and to find resources" to deal with the situation.
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