Government defends the creation of policies for the rehabilitation of minors in conflict with the law

Governo defende criação de políticas para recuperação de menores em conflito com a Lei

The Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs defends the creation of policies that contribute to the rehabilitation of minors in conflict with the law.

According to Mateus Saize, the rights of minors must be respected, regardless of the circumstances in which they find themselves.

Quoted by Rádio Moçambique, the government official said, for example, that more than forty minors are deprived of their liberty at the Boane Special Penitentiary for Juvenile Recovery, in Maputo province, for crimes of theft and robbery, with sentences ranging from two to six years in prison.

The Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs was speaking this Wednesday, in Maputo city, at the launch of the book "A Portrait of Children and Minors Deprived of Liberty in the Special Penitentiary Establishment for Juvenile Recovery in Boane."

This book was co-authored by Tina Lorizzo and Lourenço Sigaúque and is the result of research into the reality of children and minors in situations of deprivation of liberty.

The book aims to provide a critical and reflective view of the conditions faced by this vulnerable group.


(Photo DR)

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