Girl Move distinguished by UNESCO for the work developed in girls' education

A Girl Move Academy is the first Portuguese organization to be distinguished with the UNESCO Prize - for Girls and Women Education 2021, which recognizes the value and work developed in Mozambique.

The UNESCO award internationally recognizes Girl MOVE's methodology as innovative and effective, which through inter-generational mentoring circles enhances female talent and leadership.

Girl MOVE thus seeks to amplify female talent, promoting a new generation of young women leaders and agents of change to generate sustainable transformation. The objective of this Leadership Academy is to change the existing social context by creating new reference models and thus contribute to a more equitable society with more opportunities for women.

For Alexandra Machado, CEO and co-founder of Girl MOVE: "The UNESCO award is the recognition that we are working on the right path, creating real impact and transformation in society. Activating the talent and leadership of this new generation makes us part of a larger mission to transform Mozambique, Africa and humanity into a better and more sustainable place."

In Mozambique about 45% of girls get married or pregnant before the age of 18, 31% transition to secondary school and only 2% complete university. With its intervention, since 2014, Girl MOVE has been reversing this reality and has already contributed to transform the lives of thousands of girls and young women in Mozambique.

After attending the Academy, about 100% of the young graduates, who went through the program in less than three months, were able to enter an impactful career, and 90% of the teenage girls transitioned to high school (vs 30% according to data).

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